Geeky Tuesday #10 Film Geek Scarf

So autumn is well and truly in, lets wrap up and hit the library.

This week I’m loving this film reel inspired scarf by AZURE KNITS+, I’m finding it simple but stiking.

The pattern itself has good reviews, the photos show off the scarf perfectly.

Me? I’m bundled in as many scarves as possible because it does not matter how warm or cold it is outside, in the library its hella cold once you sit on your backside reading books for hours… I complain, but I love it really. 😉

I’m off to Study!

Whats your favorite film?
Threadcetera Custom Orders are still coming in strong. We’ve done everyone from Batman to Robin, Zelda to Fluttershy, Thor to Flash!
Get yours today at only £8! (£9 including postage!)

Contact us below!

Makers Market this Saturday!!!


Well aren’t we super excited?

We apologize for the lack if updates but we have been doing lots of makers market making… oh and struggling with university administration, but that is another story.

We will be updating this week with sneak peaks of our new products.

Hillhead Library
Look for the crochet, the geeky and the lovely new banner!!

Geeky Tuesday #8 Black Milk Clothing Co.


I normally post on Tuesdays about patterns I’ve found on Ravelry, but this week I’ve noticed a lot of this company popping up on my facebook feed and couldn’t help but tell you about them!

Black Milk Clothing have been popping up all over facebook and Pinterest with p. awesome dresses, leggings and swimsuits that I am more than a little bit jealous of.

Middle earth dress-

R2D2 swimsuit-

Seaseme street leggings-

Galaxy Maxi Dress-

The brand certainly has plainer pieces to compliment the garish geeky patterns I am so in love with. However, there is a downside to the brand, it’s really not for the faint hearted. The levels of spandex and lycra are high so it’s probably not for you if you don’t like your clothing too tight. Other than that the prices are fairly reasonable compared to similar products and I am totally saving up for a new dress for  a nigh a the discoteque.

Epic Giveaway Winner! And a big thank you!

The winners are in!

We can proudly announce that Cat T. via Facebook is our lucky winner of our crochet and craft goodies prize pool.

In the end we had over 120 entries! This is a massive step from the 5 followers I had by the start of the year!

I would like to take this opportunity again to thank every single follower (YOU, yes YOU!), liker, sharer, reblogger, retweeter, favoriter… you all know who you are. Without you guys this all wouldn’t have happened. I’m feel so very blessed to have been given the strength and drive to keep going with the blog. I love it. I can’t imagine my days without ThreadCetera!

We will be running another competition with a different twist in October time, stay tuned!

Thanks for all joining in!
Emma @ ThreadCerera

Geeky Tuesday #7 Care of Magical Creatures Charm Bracelet

by TinyOwlKnits

This week I’m gearing up for University term going back! I can’t wait! Books, lectures, reading lists, classes about magical creatures… Ok maybe that last one isn’t true but I think this bracelet was too cute not to have a link in sentence.

This lovely Pattern by Tiny Owl Knits is an intricate piece of craft, incorporating knitting and jewelry craft and more importantly, caring. This project isn’t just a lovely pattern, this is a whole zen ‘life changing’ project created to guide you into doing nice things for others.

The concept is lovely, you earn your charms by doing nice things for others, the environment, animals and the ones you love. Only once completing a task can you knit your charm and add it to your bracelet.

It makes the charm bracelet mean more to you, making lovely memories and being really special.

ThreadCetera will be making one! The lovely Cia Jackson over at Red Head Knits will be my knitting companion on this journey through stitches I have never tried and we will be blogging our progress in pictures! I, for one, am the most excited crafter! See what Cia has to say about it here.

See the designers video over at

ThreadCetera HQ; a little personal post about how I’m kicking depression one stitch at a time.

This week has been BUUUUUSSSSSYYY. With orders coming in for custom gloves, the etsy store doing well and official ThreadCetera stall stuffs (as modeled below so elegantly!) we’ve started to feel like a proper business!

picture018Here I am with my lovely new banner, flyers and business cards. I’m the proudest crafter! There is an excellent feeling about having your name on a business card:

I’ve been squeezing in orders, new stock ideas for upcoming fairs, blogging, my own personal projects and a new job! It’s been hectic but I’m loving it. I’m a far cry away from the sad girl of the summer. The changes I’ve made in my life have been good.

I’ve a new job, new environment, which has made me really look forward to getting up to go to work instead of dreading it. Some people thrive on the challenge of complaint, it was making me crumble.

I’m much more open these days about what is going on, I actually tell people when I have one of those days I can’t leave my bed… AND THATS OK. My friends and family are amazing. They say ‘ok, get well soon, I’ll be there on the other side’. I couldn’t ask for better people around me. Not only do they put up with my inane crochet chat, they make me tea, cake and help me through the bad times so we can enjoy the good ones together. I love them.
This is not even mentioning my brilliant boyfriend who has seen me at my worst; crying in a small ball while my head wanders in the rabbit hole. It’s a dark place to be, and I become someone unrecognisable and scary, but he has been there through good and bad. He has seen me through it all and forced crochet upon me to make me feel better in my darker moments. All of this blog stuff his fault and I love him for it.

I called it ‘the hole’ when I got proper upset. It’s a bit like retreating back into yourself in a place you don’t want to be nor can you see the end of. Because it’s unhappy and sad there seems to be no light. My immediate reaction when it happens is to try and ride it out by sleeping through it. This was never going to work.

Crafting and blogging has helped. It might not be the perfect answer to depression but it’s working for me. By setting myself goals of Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday it gives me something to do, a goal to work towards each week and channels my energy into thinking of something to do. And do you know what? If I miss a post because I haven’t been at a computer, I don’t kick myself to bits like I would have in the summer, I say ‘oops, I’ll do one asap, and I’ll be really proud of that post’. I can look back on all my work and say ‘I’m proud of what I have done’.

Blogging has helped me learn new skills, try new things, reach out to new people and it’s now making me a little bit of money! I’m over the moon. I remember the first few posts and how proud I was when I got 1 view a day, or 1 more follower. I still feel that way. I’m so surprised at how well ThreadCetera is doing and I want to keep going as long as I can.

Today I’m going back to the doctors to tell them I can see the end but I need help getting there in case the bad times strike, and they do strike from time to time.

I will never forget the dark places I was in, and I pray that no one ever has to go through it, but if you ever do remember that you are not alone down there in the rabbit hole. In the moments you are strong enough to stick your head up the best thing you can do is tell someone, chances are they have noticed and they will want to help. The help will seem strange and you might not understand why they are giving you these words that might not help just now, but think it over. Everyone who tells you something is doing it cause they care. Consider it making toast for you, not really getting the right level of crisp you like but in the end they are still giving you toast. The toast is the fact you needed someone to care.

From what I’ve learned sometimes it’s really good to listen, sometimes it’s good to talk. A little from both columns can go a long way.

Well, that and a whole lot of crochet!

Love youse,
~Emma @ThreadCetera

Sweet-Heart Crochet Bunting

On Saturday afternoon I found myself alone in the house and at a loss of what to do. All my normal tasks were done, I didn’t really want to go out… so I made bunting! (while watching Dave, top gear is oddly therapeutic)

Using a fairly standard pattern (many patterns start from the bottom and work up into the point like this one, others work into the ring) I have made 6 hearts in varying colours to match a pink sweetheart theme and teamed them with a white crochet rope. They would look beautiful in a little girls bedroom!

IMAG1706 IMAG1707

As per ThreadCetera ways, I found this project a really good way of using wool ends of various colours I appear to have been hogging. I’ve used various baby knitting wools, chunky and double knits in order to add to the shabby chic effect.

This item is now available on the etsy store to ship immediately!

#SupportCrafting Dragon Flower Jewllery

Dragon Flower Jewellery is the beautiful handmade jewelery store of Phillipa Ramsey-Baggs AKA my pal Pip.  She draws inspiration from her love of the chivalric and the world of geekdom (the avengers appears many times in her work) in creating a range of jewellery, stitch markers, bookmarks and, of course, dragons.

Pip runs the lovely blog over at Dreaming of Dragons which updates daily with various crafty goodness that inspires her; etsy, pintrest, yarn etc. Every day is something new! She is one of these rare types I call a ‘dualcrafter’- knitting and crocheting. O_O

Each piece she makes is handcrafted in Scotland. They are highly customisable in design and colour and made to order via her etsy store.

Even better! She will be selling at the Byres Road Makers Market this September!
Show her love by either:
Following her blog
Repinning her lovely things
Liking her on Facebook
Buying her lovely things on etsy

#SupportCrafting, Featuring Flora Robins

The crafting community is great, everyone has thier own style and intrepretation- not to mention that if we share the projects out we can make all the pretty things!

This week we have the work of Flora Robins, knitter and crocheter, frequent poster to the Glasgow Knitting Gathering as well as being an all round excellent gal.

I loved her ‘Zero’ from nightmare before Christmas. It’s a knitted piece with embroidery made from acrylic wool.

Flora Zero
She says ‘the pattern is really easy to follow, just fiddly on small needles’. The pattern can be found here for free (click for link)

I think it’s turned out great! Can’t wait to see more Flo!

Do you #SupportCrafting Are you interested in having your work showcased? Get in touch with us at for more information! Remember to use the hashtag and tweet us @ThreadCetera!

#SupportCrafting Campaign!

Hello Fellow Crafters!

I love sticking things together and making things to show mum. You too?

I’ve having a look round the crafting community on my front door and realized just how many fantastic crafters there are. It’s amazing to see so many lovingly made products, originally designed and handmade.

From my home town in Glasgow, I love to wander round craft fairs, vintage fairs, boot fairs that I find. From the people who hang pictures on the botanic gardens on weekends to the people who sell vintage wares in Vespa Bar, I love it all. it puts seriously holes in my purse!

This week in celebration of my love of craft (and the fact I’m super busy with custom gloves at the moment, want a pair? Let me know!) I am featuring some of Glasgow’s local talent! ThreadCetera has been growing more popular recently (I’m looking at you Cult of Yarn) and I want to be able to share this love.

Everyday I will be posting local talent who knit, jeweler, play with wool, love sticking things etc. If you know someone you’d love to see blogged let me know by emailing

We will be tweeting it all week @ThreadCetera (follow us!) using the hashtag #SupportingCrafting!

Let’s get this train going! See you this week!

~ThreadCetera Xx